How our gift boxes are made

The first thing you should know is every one of our gift boxes are handmade. The type of giftboxes we specialise in is referred to as Rigid Boxes (not foldable), or presentation boxes. The technical description is “paper over board”. chipboard for gift boxes

Firstly, the base material we use is a grey chipboard; a compressed recycled board. This chipboard is available in various thicknesses- we mostly make use of the 1200mic board because it is suitable for small, medium and large size boxes.  We also have 1800mic chipboard, that is suitable for boxes that will carry heavy content, like books, or other heavy items. 

making a gift box

It’s standard practice to prepare each box by lining the raw grey inside in a matt white paper, to give a professional and finished look. Finally we cut and size the board to the new box specification, and then, using anenvironmentally friendly cold wet glue, we glue the paper finish over the board, to create the giftbox you receive as an end result. We take the greatest care to create quality gift boxes, however – slight variations in size and  consistency in exact location of foiling, gluing and printing ( where applicable) is to be expected, each box was created individually.

red square gift boxes

Every single gift box is a (handmade) masterpiece